Order / Circular
- Circular regarding schedule for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
- Circular regarding Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotional post of Junior Engineer, Civil in APWD
- Circular regarding Reimbursement of Medical claim for treatment taken from private hospitals in and around Sri Vijaya Puram
- Modification of Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil of APWD vide Office Order 270 dated 12.03.2025
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Senior Architect in APWD A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Architect in APWD A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Promotion of Shri. S Rajendran, Draughtsman Gr II, Civil to the post of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil vide office order No. 253 dt. 07.03.2025
- Promotion and Transfer of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil vide office order No. 254 dt. 07.03.2025
- Corrigendum regarding Departments Appointment order No. 572 dt. 29.08.2024.
- Provisional Station Seniority list of Draughtsman Gr I, Draughtsman Gr II, Draughtsman Gr III,Civil of APWD as on 01.02.2025
- Corrigendum regarding 1st Financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 999 dt. 26.11.2024
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Smti. Rasheeda Bibi, Surveyor vide order No. 226 dt. 27.02.2025
- Provisional Station Seniority list of Draughtsman Gr II and Draughtsman Gr III Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.02.2025
- Provisional Station Seniority list of Surveyor of APWD as on 01.02.2025
- As per Link arrangement the EE, CD III, APWD, Prothrapur shall look after the charges of EE, CD II, APWD Prothrapur vide office order No. 204 dt. 21.02.2025
- Final Seniority List of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Final Seniority List of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Final Seniority List of Planning Assistant of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Final Seniority List of Ferroprinter of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Final Seniority List of Architectural Assistant and Assistant Arch. Department od APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Station Seniority List of Junior Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Corrigendum regarding Provisional Station Seniority list of Executive Engineer, Civil
- Corrigendum regarding Provisional Station Seniority list of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical
- Modification of Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD vide Office Order 130 dated 31.01.2025
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD vide Office Order 122 dated 30.01.2025
- Draft Provisional Station Seniority list of Executive Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Draft Provisional Station Seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Station Seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Draft Provisional Station Seniority list of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Junior Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Extension of Shri. T K Prijith Rekh to the post of SE, Civil in APWD on deputation basis and the additional charge of Chief Engineer, APWD vide order No. 226 dt. 24.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Executive Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Junior Engineer, Civil as on 01.01.2025
- Internal Complaint Committee for Sexual harassment of women at work places vide Office Order No. 105 dt. 23.01.2025
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil on diverted capacity vide Office Order No. 104 dt. 23.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Laboratory Assistant of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional seniority list of Ferro Printer of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Best Employee for the month of January 2025
- Provisional Station Seniority list of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Seniority list of Dman Gr I Civil, Dman Gr II Civil, Dman Gr III Civil, Dman Gr II Electrical and Mechanica, Dman Gr III Electrical and Mechanical and Surveyor of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Seniority list of Planning Assistant of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Seniority list of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Provisional Seniority list of Architectural Assistant and Assistant, Arch. Department of APWD as on 01.01.2025
- Posting of Executive Engineer, Civil in the existing place of posting vide Secretariat Order No. 95 dt. 13.01.2025
- Circular regarding the office order No. 999 dt. 26.11.2024 at serial 10 w.e.f 27.05.2021 which is to be corrected and read as on 03.05.2021
- Circular regarding Best Employees for the month of December 2024
- Posting of 01 No. Surveyor on diverted capacity vide Office Order No.1061 dt. 09.12.2024
- Circular regarding Provisional Inter Se Seniority list for the post of Architectural Asst., Asst., Arch Dept, JE, Civil, JE, E and M, Dman Gr III, Civil, Dman, E and M and Surveyor
- Posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Civil on diverted capacity vide office order No. 1035 dt. 02.12.2024
- Shri RS Vanmeeka Nathan, JE, Techno Legal desinate as Nodal Officer to represent the entire APWD in collecting information of status of roads and the data regarding steps to improve the road
- Circular regarding Best Employee for the Month of November 2024
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical and Draughtsman Grade III, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 1003 dt. 26.11.2024
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Surveyor and MTS vide order No. 1001 dt. 26.11.2024
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil and Architectural Assistant vide order No. 999 dt. 26.11.2024
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide order No. 997 dt. 26.11.2024
- Place of posting in respect of Ms. Madhu Priya Xalxo is modified vide Office Order 980 dated 20.11.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Secretariat Order 2762 dated 18.11.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Secretariat Order 2761 dated 18.11.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Multi Tasking Staff Group C vide Order No. 904 dt. 06.11.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 901 dated 05.11.2024
- Promotion of Assistant Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical to the post of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Secretariat Order No. 2614 dt. 01.11.2024
- Circular regarding Best Employee for the Month of October 2024
- Transfer and Posting of MTS on diverted capacity vide Office order No. 748 dt. 08.10.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil on diverted capacity vide PBCC office order No. 97 dt. 13.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of 02 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide Office Order No. 692 dated 24.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Gr II, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 682 dated 20.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of MTS on mutual ground vide Office Order No. 677 dated 20.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide Office Order No. 666 dated 18.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of MTS of APWD vide Office Order No. 587 dated 30.08.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil of APWD vide Office Order No. 529 dated 14.08.2024
- Transfer and Posting of 33 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil of APWD vide Secretariat Order 1356 dated 07.06.2024
- Transfer and Posting of 01 No. Surveyor, APWD vide Office Order 385 dated 12.07.2024
- Circular regarding Provisional Inter Se Seniority list of Officials appointed in APWD in the Year 2024
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil and Assistant Architect vide order No. 845 dt. 23.10.2024
- Suggestions,Objections to the form of Modification of Master Plan under Sub Section 3 of Section 9 of the regulation
- Draft Recruitment Rule for the post of Surveyor, Group C, Non Gazetted of APWD
- Transfer and Posting of 06 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 683 dated 20.09.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Shri. Sohrab Ali, Draughtsman Gr III, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 667 dated 18.09.2024
- Final Reserve Panel of Candidates for 08 categories of Group B, NG and Group C Posts in APWD valid for one year w.e.f 03.10.2023 to 02.10.2024
- Circular regarding Award of Best Engineer 2024 on the eve of 57th Engineers Day 2024
- Appointment order of the candidates in the post of Surveyor vide Order No. 574 dt. 28.08.2024
- Appointment order of the candidates in the post of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 573 dt. 28.08.2024
- Appointment order of the candidates in the post of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 572 dt. 28.08.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Assistant, Arch. Department vide Order No. 571 dt. 28.08.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Architectural Assistant vide Order No. 570 dt. 28.08.2024
- Circular regarding Posting of Technical and W.C.Employees at ISSD, APWD, Kolkatta
- Transfer and Posting of 01 No. Assistant Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Office Order No. 1928 dated 14.08.2024
- 14 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil assign the Current Duty Charge of Executive Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 1929 dt. 14.08.2024
- Link Arrangement in respect of Superintending Engineer and Assistant Engineer under APWD vide Office Order No. 521 dt. 13.08.2024
- July 2024
- Smti. K.G.Rajavalli, AE, Civil look after the routine charges of Executive Engineer, CD I, APWD, Port Blair vide Office Order No. 474 dt. 05.08.2024
- Shri. Raj Kishore Singh, AE, Civil look after the routine charges of Executive Engineer, PBSD, APWD vide Office Order No. 473 dt. 05.08.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide Office Order 470 dated 01.08.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Assitant Engineer, Civil under APWD vide Office Order 1824 dated 02.08.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide Office Order 451 dated 29.07.2024
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide Office Order No. 444 dated 26.07.2024
- 03 Nos. Draughtsman Gr II, Civil under APWD is retained in their Division Offices vide Office Order 445 dated 26.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Safai Karmachari under APWD vide Office Order 443 dated 26.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of MTS under APWD vide Office Order 442 dated 26.07.2024
- Shri. T.K.Prijith Rekh, Superintending Engineer, Civil assigned the additional charge of Chief Engineer, APWD vide Secretariat Order No. 1505 dt. 27.06.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Shri. Balram Roy, Assistant Engineer, Civil, CDC vide Secretariat Order No. 1640 dated 12.07.2024
- Provisional seniority list of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical as on 01.01.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil of APWD vide Office Order 330 dated 01.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr II, Civil of APWD vide Office Order 329 dated 01.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD vide Office Order 328 dated 01.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil of APWD vide Office Order 327 dated 01.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Surveyor of APWD vide Office Order 332 dated 01.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD vide Office Order 331 dated 01.07.2024
- Smti. Beenu A. Nair, Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical assigned the additional charges of EO to Chief Engineer, APWD vide Office Order No. 1506 dt. 27.06.2024
- Draft transfer and Posting order of Safai Karmachari Staffs vide Office Order No. 263 dated 20.06.24
- Draft Transfer and Posting order of MTS vide Office Order No. 262 dated 20.06.24
- List of Eligible Departmental candidates for participating in Limited Departmental Examination for the post of JE, C
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman, Gr.III, EM, APWD vide Office Order 209 dated 07.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Draughtman, Gr.III, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 208 dated 07.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Surveyor, APWD vide Office Order 210 dated 07.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, EM, APWD vide Office Order 207 dated 07.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Draughtsman, Gr.II, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 213 dated 10.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 206 dated 07.06.2024
- Draft Transfer and Posting of Junior Engineer, Civil, APWD vide Office Order 206 dated 07.06.2024
- Additional charges of EE, PBND, APWD to Smti. Sree Salatha AE C and Additional charges of EE, Store Division, APWD to Shri. Srinivasan Lalu AE C vide Office Order No. 1186 dated 20.05.2024
- Duty report and posting in respect of newly appointed MTS Group C, Shri. Manas Kumar, MTS and Miss Faiza Farheen, MTS vide Office Order No. 156 dated 27.05.2024
- Shri. Sreenivasan Lalu, Assistant Engineer, Civil assigned the additional charges of Executive Engineer Store Division, APWD vide Office Order No. 111 dt. 13.05.2024
- Smti. Sree Salatha, Assistant Engineer, Works assigned the additional charges of Executive Engineer PBND, APWD vide Office Order No. 112 dt. 13.05.2024
- Posting of newly appointed MTS Miss Mahima Ekka in the office of Executive Engineer, CD I, APWD, Rangat vide Order No. 30 dt. 12.04.2024
- Office Memorandum regarding the extension of time period of 45 days i.e upto 12.05.2024 for joining duty for the post of Multi Taking Staff
- Posting of newly appointed Multi Tasking Staff, Group C vide Order No. 1205 dt. 14.03.2024
- Provisional Seniority list of Executive Engineer, Civil of APWD as on 01.01.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 1183 dt. 06.03.2024
- Appoint of the following candidate to the post of MTS Group C vide order No. 1170 dt. 28.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 1171 dt. 28.02.2024
- Notice regarding verification of original documents of 53 Nos. selected candidates for the post of MTS
- Corrigendum regarding vacancy reserve under promotion category for the post of Junior Engineer, Civil
- Circular regarding eligible and ineligible departmental candidates for participating in the Limited Departmental competitive Exam the post of Junior Engineer, Civil
- Office Memorandum regarding the extension of time period of 02 months i.e upto 01.03.2024 for the post of Junior Engieer, Electrical and Mechanical,Group B.
- Posting of newly appointed Junior Engineer, Civil and Surveyor vide Order No. 1097 dt. 07.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Surveyor vide Order No. 1092 dt. 06.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Draughtsman, Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 1091 dt. 06.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Draughtsman, Gr III, Civil vide Order No. 1090 dt. 06.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Junior Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 1089 dt. 06.02.2024
- Posting of newly appointed Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 1088 dt. 06.02.2024
- Transfer and posting of MTS vide Office Order No. 1087 dt. 06.02.2024
- 02 Nos. Executive Engineer,Civil assigned the additional charges of Superintending Engineer vide Secretariat Order No. 153 dt. 18.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Surveyor vide Order No. 971 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Draughtsman, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 970 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Order No. 968 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide Order No. 969 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 967 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Planning Assistant vide Order No. 966 dt. 02.01.2024
- Appointment order for the post of Assistant, Arch. Department vide Order No. 965 dt. 02.01.2024
- J.Sunita, Stenographer, OG appointed under Assistant Town Planner vide office order No. 904 dt. 14.12.2023
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Shri. K.Vasantha Sekaran, MTS vide office order No. 832 dt. 20.11.2023
- Transfer and posting of MTS vide Office Order No. 793 dt. 09.11.2023
- Internal Complaint Committee of Chief Engineers Office, APWD vide Office Order No. 987 dt. 29.11.2022
- Provisional list of Shortlisted Candidates for various posts of Group B, NG and Group C in APWD
- Suspension of Ms O.P Kandoi and Company Private Ltd, Class I, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 595 dt. 11.09.2023
- Transfer and posting of Surveyor vide Office order No. 556 dt. 31.08.2023
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide Office order No. 555 dt. 31.08.2023
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office order No. 554 dt. 31.08.2023
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Retired Chief Engineer vide order No. 435 dt. 31.07.2023
- Transfer and posting of MTS vide Office Order No. 381 dt. 18.07.2023
- Transfer and posting of Safaiwala vide Office Order No. 380 dt. 18.07.2023
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 379 dt. 18.07.2023
- Corrigendum regarding the office order no. 331 dated 05.07.2023
- Promotion to the post of Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide Office order No. 331 dt. 05.07.2023
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide order No. 304 dt. 30.06.2023
- Promotion to the post of Draughtsman Grade II, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 279 dt. 28.06.2023.
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Architect in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Shri. M.Sivarama Subramanian, Retired Chief Engineer vide order No. 259 dt. 15.06.2023
- 1st Financial upgradation under ACP to Shri. M.Sivarama Subramanian, Retired Chief Engineer vide order No. 258 dt. 15.06.2023
- Suspension of Ms O.P Kandoi and Company Private Ltd, Class I, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 24173 dt. 29.05.2023
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- List of Invalid OMR sheet of Candidates for various examination in APWD
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of JUNIOR ENGINEER, Electrical and Mechanical
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of Junior Engineer, Civil
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of SURVEYOR
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of PLANNING ASSISTANT
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of DRAUGHTSMAN GR III, CIVIL
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of DRAUGHTSMAN, Electrical and Mechanical
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of ASSISTANT, ARCH. DEPT
- Statement of Marks of the Written Examination held for the post of ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT
- Suspension of Ms AB Construction Class III, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 20870 dt. 04.05.2023
- Promotion to the post of Architectural Assistant vide Office Order No. 138 dt. 02.05.2023.
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide order No. 140 dt. 02.05.2023
- Corrigendum for Vacancy Circular for filling up of two post of SE, Civil on deputation in APWD, A and N Administration
- Suspension of Ms Sriya Enterprises Class IV, Civil Contractor for a period of 6 Months vide office order No. 19557 dt. 24.04.2023
- Suspension of Ms ADR Infra Engineering Class IV, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 19543 dt. 24.04.2023
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Draft Transfer and posting of Draftsman III, Electrical and Mechanical, vide office order No. 34 dt. 10.04.2023
- Draft Transfer and posting of Surveyor vide office order No. 35 dt. 10.04.2023
- Draft Transfer and posting of Draftsman III, Civil vide office order No. 33 dt. 10.04.2023
- Draft Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office order No. 31 dt. 10.04.2023
- March 2023
- Draft Transfer and posting of MTS vide Office order No. 29 dt. 10.04.2023
- Draft Transfer and posting of Safaiwala vide Office order No. 30 dt. 10.04.2023
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 32 dt. 10.04.2023
- Draft Recruitment Rules to the Group C Non Gazetted Post of Surveyor in the APWD
- Question Paper and Answer Keys for the post of Junior Engineer Electrical and Mechanical, APWD held on 26 feb 2023
- Question Paper and Answer Keys for the post of Junior Engineer Civil, APWD held on 26 feb 2023
- Reexamine the Suspension of Shri. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Govt Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 1371 dt. 01.03.2023
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Surveyor
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Planning Assistant
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Assistant Arch. Dept.
- Question paper and answer key for the post of Architectural Assistant
- Contest for Creating Awareness on JAL JEEVAN MISSION
- Press Release for the candidates appearing for the written examination to be conducted by APWD on 18th, 19th and 26th February 2023
- Press Release for the Candidates appearing for the Written Examination to be conducted by APWD on 18th, 19th and 26th February, 2023
- Circular regarding 05 post of JE, Civil against the 5 percent vacancy reserved under promotion category
- Corrigendun regarding the written examination rearranged schedule to the post of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical and Surveyor
- Draft proposal for amendment of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Town and Country Planning Regulation 1994
- Addendum to the notice of vacancy to the post of Assistant, Arch Dept.
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Architectural Assistant vide order No. 1213 dt. 27.01.2023
- Smti. Sunitha Udai Kumari, Draughtsman Gr III, Civil is Transfered and stand relieved from SAD, APWD, Port Blair vide office order No. 1207 dt. 25.01.2023
- Shri. Shyam Kumar, Draughtsman Gr III, Civil is Transfered and stand relieved from MID, APWD, HutBay vide office order No. 1206 dt. 25.01.2023
- Transfered and stand relieved from CD, APWD, Rangat vide office order No. 1205 dt. 25.01.2023
- Written examination for the posts of Group B, NG and Group C posts.
- Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Secretariat order No. 3405 dt. 29.12.2022
- Suspension of Shri. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Class II, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 1040 dt. 15.12.2022
- Additional Charge of Assistant Engineer, PRI at Diglipur to Shri. Nasir Khan, JE, Civil vide Secretariat Order No. 3321 dt. 21.12.2022
- Transfer and posting of Executive Engineer, Civil vide Secretariat order No. 3320 dt. 21.12.2022
- Press Notice the provisional list of ineligible candidates for the posts of Group B, Non-Gazetted and Group C Non Ministerial in APWD
- Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Secretariat Order No. 3253 dt. 13.12.2022
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Gr I, Civil vide order No. 1030 dt. 13.12.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide Office Order No. 1026 dt. 09.12.2022
- Vacancy circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD on deputation, ISTC basis
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Civil vide order No. 968 dt. 24.11.2022
- 1st Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Civil vide order No. 967 dt. 24.11.2022
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to AE, Civil vide order No. 962 dt. 23.11.2022
- Promotion of 03 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil to the post of Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 866 dtd. 01.11.2022
- Diverted for three months in respect of Shri. N.Ashraf Ali, Surveyor vide office order No. 877 dt. 02.11.2022
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Shri. Mohammed Mustafa, Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide office order No. 876 dt. 02.11.2022
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Smti. N.P.Hazra Bibi, Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide office order No. 875 dt. 02.11.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman, Gr III, Civil vide Office Order No. 873 dt. 02.11.2022
- Transfer and posting of Surveyor vide Office Order No. 874 dt. 02.11.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr II, Civil vide Office Order No. 872 dt. 02.11.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil vide Office Order No. 871 dt. 02.11.2022
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to AE, Electrical and Mechanical, Retd. vide order No. 860 dt. 01.11.2022
- Relaxation of upper age limit by 2 years and extension of date of online application for Group B and Group C post.
- Relaxation of upper age limit by 2 years and extension of date of online application for Group B and Group C post.
- Press Release regarding the extension of date till 14.11.2022 of Group B and Group C post.
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Surveyors and Lab Assistant vide order No. 757 dt. 07.10.2022
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 756 dt. 07.10.2022
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide order No. 755 dt. 07.10.2022
- Press Release regarding the extension of date of Group B and Group C post.
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 699 dt. 20.09.2022
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Civil vide order No. 698 dt. 20.09.2022
- Press Release regarding the extension of date of Group B and Group C post.
- Addendum to the notice of Vacancy
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Shri. Mohammed Mustafa, JE, Civil vide office order No. 563 dt. 18.08.2022
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Smti. Solai Rani, JE, Civil vide office order No. 562 dt. 18.08.2022
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Smti. Bhaghyalakshmi, JE, Civil vide office order No. 561 dt. 18.08.2022
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Shri. Reji Varghese, JE, Civil vide office order No. 560 dt. 18.08.2022
- Transfer and posting of Surveyors vide Office Order No. 575 dt. 19.08.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman, Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 574 dt. 19.08.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman, Gr III, Civil vide Office Order No. 573 dt. 19.08.2022
- Transfer and posting of JE, Civil vide Office Order No. 572 dt. 19.08.2022
- Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fillup the various posts Group B, Non-Gazetted Non-Ministerial and Group C Non-Ministerial, A.P.W.D
- Recruitment Vacancy Notice for the post of Group B and Group C
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil vide Office order No. 383 dt. 06.07.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr II, Civil vide Office order No. 382 dt. 06.07.2022
- Suspension of Firm Ms Ascon Engineering, Class II, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 year vide office order No. 353 dt. 28.06.2022
- Debar the contractor Shri. Vinit Naidu for a period of two years vide PBMC order No. 502 dt. 23.06.2022
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis.
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 149 dt. 11.05.2022
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 150 dt. 11.05.2022
- Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Secretariat order No. 1145 dt. 29.04.2022
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 02 dt. 01.04.2022
- 1st Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 02 dt. 01.04.2022
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to AE, CDC and JE, Civil vide order No. 01 dt. 01.04.2022
- Suspension of Firm Ms Thakur Traders and Engineers, Class IV, Civil Contractor for a period of 1 year vide office order No. 1018 dt. 23.02.2022
- Circular regarding Draughtsman Gr II, Civil of APWD are eligible for promotion to the post of Draughtsman Gr I, Civil
- Transfer and posting of 57 Nos. MTS and 05 Nos. Safaiwala vide office order No. 914 dated 13.01.2022
- 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil, CDC vide order No. 922 dt. 19.01.2022
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Superintending Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Transfer and posting of Executive Engineer Civil vide order No 07 dt 03.01.2022
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office order No. 857 dt. 29.12.2021
- Transfer and posting of Surveyors vide Office order No. 667 dt. 12.11.2021
- Transfer and posting of Surveyors vide Office order No. 644 dt. 02.11.2021
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr III, Civil vide Office order No. 643 dt. 02.11.2021
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr II, Civil vide Office order No. 642 dt. 02.11.2021
- September 2021
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 595 dt. 22.10.2021
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office order No. 594 dt. 22.10.2021
- Suspension of Firm Ms S Bose and Sons, Class I, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 years vide office order No. 472 dt. 14.09.2021
- Corrigendum regarding Final Seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Civil APWD as on 01.01.2020
- Additional Charge of Superintending Engineer, PBCC vide Office Order No. 396 dt. 27.08.2021
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Corrigendum regarding Final Seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Civil APWD as on 01.01.2020
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under Construction Circle I vide office Order No. 320 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under EE, Store Division, Port Blair vide office Order No. 319 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under EE, RCD, Wimberlygunj vide office Order No. 318 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under EE, PHED, Prothrapur vide office Order No. 317 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under CD I, Port Blair vide office Order No. 316 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under MID, HutBay vide office Order No. 315 dt. 03.08.2021
- Transfer of Junior Engineer, Civil under CD, Diglipur vide office Order No. 314 dt. 03.08.2021
- 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Deputy Architect, CDC vide order No. 200 dt. 22.06.2021
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis.
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office order No. 157 dt. 20.05.2021
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide order No. 80 dt. 23.04.2021
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Superintending Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Contest for creating awareness of Jal Jeevan Mission
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation , ISTC basis.
- Change the name of the Firm from Ms Ravi Realcon Pvt. Ltd. to Ms Ravi Realcons Pvt. Ltd vide office order No. 73 dt. 22.01.2021
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Superintending Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Secretariat order No. 77 dt. 08.01.2021
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 734 dt. 26.11.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 735 dt. 26.11.2020
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 719 dt. 20.11.2020
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Chief Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis.
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of Superintending Engineer, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- Transfer and posting of Executive Engineer, Civil vide order No. 2432 dt. 17.11.2020
- Suspension of Firm Ms Ragasumum, Class I, Civil Contractor for a period of 2 years vide office order No. 679 dt. 06.11.2020.
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Grade III, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 652 dt. 30.10.2020
- Transfer and posting of Surveyor vide office order No. 651 dt. 30.10.2020
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 650 dt. 30.10.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 620 dt. 16.10.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 619 dt. 16.10.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 566 dt. 25.09.2020
- Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 565 dt. 25.09.2020
- Retention of Smti. Manjula, Junior Engineer, Civil of SSD Chennai, APWD is extended vide office order No. 555 dt. 23.09.2020
- Vacancy Circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis.
- Correction of data on number of islands in all Administrations website
- Issue of tender documents to contractors
- 2nd and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Civil vide order No. 375 dt. 24.06.2020
- 2nd nd 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to JE, Electrical and Mechanical, Assistant Architect, Deptt, Draughtsman Grade-I and Grade-II Civil vide order No. 376 dt. 24.06.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer Civil vide Office Order No 335 dt 11.06.2020
- Transfer and posting of Draughtsman Gr-I Civil vide Office Order No 303 dt 02.06.2020
- Transfer and posting of Junior Engineer Civil vide Office Order No 302 dt 02.06.2020
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 280 dt. 23.04.2020
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 279 dt. 23.04.2020
- Final Notification of Modification related to Solid Waste Processing and Disposal facilities on Master Plan for Port Blair Planning Area
- Transfer and posting of Executive Engineer Civil vide order No 708 dt 05.03.2020
- Vacancy circular for appointment of SE, Civil in APWD, A and N Administration on deputation, ISTC basis
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 177 dt. 20.02.2020
- Notification of Declaration of Development, Planning Area for preparation of Integrated Cluster Action Plan under RURBAN Mission
- Revised Provisional Seniority list of AE, Civil, APWD as on 01.01.2020
- Revised Provisional Seniority list of EE, Civil, APWD as on 01.01.2020
- The Final Notification of Modifications on the Master Plan for Port Blair Planning Area
- Press Notice regarding Final selected list of Candidates for appointment to the post of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- December 2019
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. P R Singaram, Class I, Civil vide office order No. 32 dt. 10.01.2020
- 1st and 3rd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Multi Tasking Staff vide office order No. 12 dt. 06.01.2020.
- Proposed amendment of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Town and Country Planning regulation, 1994
- List of candidates to be deleted from the total list of applicants under consideration for compassionate ground appointment
- Retention of Transfer in respect of Smti. K.Munjula, JE, Civil vide office order No. 1303 dt. 17.12.2019
- Transfer and posting of 2 Nos. Assistant Engineer,Civil vide Order No. 3591 dt. 10.12.2019
- Temporarily transfer of 01 No Junior Engineer, Civil vide order No. 1277 dt. 09.12.2019
- Provisional seniority list of Assistant Engineer, Civil, APWD as on 27.11.2019
- Photos regarding Observance of Constitution Day on 26.11.2019
- Provisional seniority list of Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical, APWD as on 30.09.2019
- Corrigendum regarding the office order no. 1123 dated 25.10.2019 for grant of MACP
- Merit list of JE, Electrical and Mechanical, OBC candidates
- Merit list of all JE, Electrical and Mechanical candidates with final answer Keys.
- Merit list of JE, Civil, ST candidates
- Marit list of JE, Civil, OBC candidates
- Marit list of all JE, Civil candidates with final answer Keys.
- Corrigendum regarding the office order no. 1123, 1124 and 1125 dated 25.10.2019 for grant of MACP
- Transfer and posting of 3 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 3170 dt. 05.11.2019
- 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Surveyors vide office order No. 1125 dt. 25.10.2019.
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade-III Civil vide office order No. 1123 dt. 25.10.2019.
- 1st and 2nd Financial up-gradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade-III Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 1124 dt. 25.10.2019.
- Filling up of the post of Store Keeper on Deputation Basis
- Justification of claims and objections on the Final Answer Keys raised by Candidiates for Recruitment Examination for the post of JE, Civil and JE, E and M of APWD
- 2nd Financial upgradation under ACP to be modified as 2nd MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1115 dt. 23.10.2019
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Deputy Architect, CDC vide office order No. 1114 dt. 23.10.2019
- Change of Sole Proprietorship to a Partnership firm of Ms. Jyoti Construction Incorporation vide office Order No. 1098 dated 21.10.2019
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. Rashique Ali vide office order No. 1097 dt. 18.10.2019
- Water charges for supply of water outside Municipal area vide Order No. 2886 dt. 30.09.2019
- Press Notice regarding the roll number wise marks obtained by the candidates in the exam to the posts of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Notification and a draft Recruitment Rules for Group C Non Gazetted post of Assistant Blasting Mistry of APWD
- Roll No wise Marks scored by the candidates in the Written Examination held on 21.07.2019 for the Post of JE, Civil
- Roll No wise Marks scored by the candidates in the Written Examination held on 21.07.2019 for the Post of JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Transfer and posting of 2 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 2802 dt. 20.09.2019
- Press Notice regarding final answer keys for the written exam to the post of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechinical conducted on 21.07.2019
- Transfer and posting of 03 No. Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 2550 dt. 06.09.2019
- Transfer and posting of 2 Nos. newly promoted Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 2466 dt. 30.08.2019
- Promotion of 13 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Surveyor to the post of Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 931 dtd. 30.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 01No. Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 933 dtd. 30.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 13 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 932 dtd. 30.08.2019
- Reverted the following JE, Civil and Draughtsman Gr-II, Civil to the post of Draughtsman Gr-III, Civil or Surveyor Vide Office Order No 930 dtd. 30.08.2019
- Publication of draft notification and Schedule of RRs for Group B post of Dman Gr I, Civil, Dman Gr II, Civil and Dman Gr II, Electrical and Mechanical
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. Swapan Sarkar vide office order No. 879 dt. 21.08.2019
- Press Note of Pension Adalat in all the Division offices, Circle offices and Chief Engineers office, APWD
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Order No. 2313 dt. 16.08.2019
- Merit list of the candidates who are qualified the Trade Test for the post of Mechanic ,Air Conditioner and Refrigerator, in the Workshop Division
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Superintending Engineer vide Secretariat Order No. 2190 dt. 05.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 49 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 2178 dt. 02.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. Jitendra Rao, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 807 dt. 01.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 11 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 806 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. Mohammed Yousuf, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 805 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. P K Samanta, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 804 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Smti. Aleema Khan, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 803 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. Harish Kishen, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 802 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Smti. Sulekha, Junior Engineer, Civil vide Office Order No. 801 dt. 01.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide Office Order No. 800 dt. 01.08.2019
- Transfer and posting of 05 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide Office Order No. 799 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Smti. Sarika Devi, Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide Office Order No. 798 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. Nishipunj Mishra, Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide Office Order No. 797 dt. 01.08.2019
- Retention of Shri. Abdul Rasheed, Surveyor vide Office Order No. 796 dt. 01.08.2019
- Result of LDCE for the post of JE, Civil and JE, Eelectrical and Mechanical under promotion category
- Press Notice regarding the written Examiniation for recuitment to the post of JE, Civil and JE, Elect. and Mech. held on 21.07.2019
- Question Paper and Answer key for the post of Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical held on 21.07.2019
- Question Paper and Answer key for the post of Junior Engineer, Civil held on 21.07.2019
- Promotion to the post of Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 781 dt. 26.07.2019
- Promotion of 02 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil to the post of Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 778 dt. 26.07.2019
- Press Notice regarding recruitment to the post of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD
- Office order No. 749 dt. 19.07.2019 in respect of Shri. Vineet DSouza, So Shri. William DSouza
- Notice regarding eligible and In eligible candidates for the post of Mechanic, AC and Refrigerator, Work Charged in Workshop Division
- Notice regarding answer key and question booklet of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Press Notice regarding Issue of online Admit card for appearing in the Recruitment Examination of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical on promotion vide order No. 1828 dated 01.07.2019
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide order No. 1827 dated 01.07.2019
- Press Notice regarding Issue of online Admit card for appearing in the Recruitment Examination of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical of APWD
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 632 dated 26.06.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 631 dated 26.06.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Junior Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 519 dated 28.05.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Surveyor vide office order No. 509 dated 27.05.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 508 dated 27.05.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 15 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 507 dated 27.05.2019
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 506 dated 27.05.2019
- Transfer and posting of 08 Nos. Junior Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 505 dated 27.05.2019.
- Transfer and posting of 38 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 504 dated 27.05.2019.
- Press Notice regarding the list of eligible and non eligible for the post of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Cancellation of enlistment order No. 481 dt. 19.06.2015 of Miss Anupam
- Press Notice regarding the list of eligible and non eligible for the post of JE, Civil and JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Change of Individual to a Private Limited Company of Shri. N Vijayan Pillai vide office order No.198 dt. 25.02.2019
- Shri. Jonah, Surveyor allowed retention at CD, Diglipur vide office order No. 121 dt. 30.01.2019
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 120 dt. 30.01.2019
- Smti. Chandra Roshni, Draughtsman Grade III, Civil allowed retention at CEs office, Port Blair vide office order No. 119 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. K.Srinivas Rao, Draughtsman Grade II, Civil allowed retention at SAD, Port Blair vide office order No. 118 dt. 30.01.2019
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 117 dt. 30.01.2019
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 116 dt. 30.01.2019
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 115 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. S.Radha Krishnan, JE, Civil allowed retention at PBSD, Port Blair vide office order No. 114 dt. 30.01.2019
- Smti. Prasanna Shaji, JE, Civil allowed retention at PBND, Port Blair vide office order No. 113 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. S.Rajendran, JE, Civil allowed retention at SE, PBCC, Port Blair vide office order No. 112 dt. 30.01.2019
- Smti. Sulekha, JE, Civil allowed retention at SE, CC-I, Port Blair vide office order No. 111 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. Uttam Kumar Sarkar, JE, Civil allowed retention at PBSD, Port Blair vide office order No. 110 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. Tapas Dutta, JE, Civil allowed retention at PBND, Port Blair vide office order No. 109 dt. 30.01.2019
- Shri. T.Koshy, JE, Civil allowed retention at CD, Diglipur vide office order No. 108 dt. 30.01.2019
- Smti. Kanika Pandey, JE, Civil allowed retention at ISSD, Kolkata vide office order No. 107 dt. 30.01.2019
- Circular to fill up the 10 post of JE, Civil and 03 post of JE, Electrical and Mechanical called from among the eligible work charged or regular employees of APWD
- Enlistment of Sachin Chaubey, So Shri. Ashok Chaubey, Savitri Niwas, Ward No. 10, South Point, in Class-II to IV is cancelled vide office order No. 1502 dated 30.11.2018
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1399 dt. 31.10.2018
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1320 dt. 09.10.2018
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer, Civil, CDC vide office order No. 1304 dt. 05.10.2018
- Revalidation of contract of Shri. C.Palaniswamy, Class II, Civil Contractor Regarding.
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACPS to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1218 dt. 17.09.2018
- Press Note to conduct Nationwide Pension Adalat
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Junior Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 915 dt. 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 71 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 914 dated 06.07.2018.
- Regarding camp Junior Engineer charge vide office order No. 921 dated 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 05 Nos. Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 920 dated 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 919 dated 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Surveyor vide office order No. 918 dated 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 17 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 917 dated 06.07.2018
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 916 dated 06.07.2018
- Change of Sole Proprietorship firm to a Private Limited Company of Ms. J.K.Agency vide office Order No. 710 dated 25.05.2018
- Vacancy notice for promotion of work charged or regular employees of APWD for JE, Electrical and Mechanical
- Vacancy notice for promotion of work charged or regular employees of APWD for JE, Civil
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 501 dt. 23.04.2018
- Transfer and posting of 28 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil under APWD vide order No. 1187 dt. 18.04.2018
- Transfer and posting of 06 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide order No. 1188 dt. 18.04.2018
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Executive Engineer, Civil under APWD vide order No. 1186 dt. 18.04.2018
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 478 dt. 18.04.2018
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 433 dated 10.04.2018.
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade III, Civil vide office order No. 431 dt. 10.04.2018
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade III, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 430 dt. 10.04.2018
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 429 dt. 10.04.2018
- 1st Financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 428 dt. 10.04.2018
- Promotion of 12 Nos Junior Engineer, Civil to the post of Assistant Engineer, Civil vide order No. 570 dt. 27.02.2018
- Promotion of 05 Nos Draughtsman Grade II to the post of Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 259 dt. 28.02.2018
- Enlistment of Shri. Mani Mohan Das, Netaji Nagar has been changed to Moni Mohan Das, Netaji Nagar
- Transfer and posting of 06 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 487 dated 19.02.2018
- Transfer and posting of 05 Nos. Executive Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 486 dated 19.02.2018 in public interest
- Regarding Revalidation of Ms Surendra Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd Class I contractor in APWD vide order No. 134 dt. 02.02.2018
- The revalidation of the firm Ms Shri. P.Surya Rao could not be considered in terms of Enlistment rule of contractors, 2017 vide office order No. 135 dt. 02.02.2018
- Change of Sole Proprietorship firm to a Private Limited Company of Ms. J.K.Agency vide office Order No. 118 dated 31.01.2018
- Non consideration of revalidation of enlistment to class I Civil of Ms Bharat Multitech Industries Pvt. Ltd. vide order no. 94 dtd. 25.01.2018
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. Nabo Kumar Dey vide office order No. 92 dt. 25.01.2018
- Change of Sole Proprietor to a Partnership firm of Ms. Sundaram Construction vide office Order No. 75 dated 19.01.2018
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 76 dt. 22.01.2018
- 1st and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 36 dt. 10.01.2018
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 37 dt. 10.01.2018.
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Surveyors vide office order No. 25 dt. 10.01.2018.
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade-IIICivil vide office order No. 24 dt. 10.01.2018.
- Corrigendum issued against office order No. 1519 dt. 08.12.2017 in respect of serial No. 4
- 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1590 dt. 28.12.2017
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Architect vide office order No. 1561 dt. 21.12.2017
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1560 dt. 21.12.2017
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical, Retired vide office order No. 1559 dt. 21.12.2017
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. P Subramaniam vide office order No. 1542 dt. 12.12.2017
- Corrigendum issued against office order No. 1519 dt. 08.12.2017 in respect of serial No. 4
- Corrigendum issued against office order No. 1519 dt. 08.12.2017 in respect of serial No. 2
- Corrigendum issued against office order No. 1519 dt. 08.12.2017
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 1522 dt. 08.12.2017
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1519 dt. 08.12.2017
- Changed Proprietorship of the same firm to Ms. T.Ravi and Brothers, Prop Kalaiselvi of Ms. T.Ravi and Brothers, Prop. T.Ravi Kumar
- 3rd financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Gr II, Civil vide office order No. 1474 dt. 28.11.2017
- 2nd financial upgradation under MACP to Architectural Assistant vide office order No. 1473 dt. 28.11.2017
- 2nd financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 1472 dt. 28.11.2017
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1471 dt. 28.11.2017
- Change of Individual to a partnership firm of Shri. Arshed Waseem vide office order No. 1377 dt. 06.11.2017
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Draughtsman Gr II, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 1368 dt. 01.11.2017
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 1263 dt. 05.10.2017
- Shri. Indresh Kumar Yadav, Junior Engineer is allowed retention at SAD, Port Blair vide office order No. 1262 dt. 05.10.2017.
- Shri. Jay Kumar, Junior Engineer is allowed retention at SAD, Port Blair vide office order No. 1261 dt. 05.10.2017
- Promotion of Shri. Maneer Ahmed, Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical to the post of Draughtsman Gr II, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order 1223 dt. 22.09.2017
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Smti. Bina Vaidya, Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1231 dt. 22.09.2017
- 1st Financial upgradation under ACP to Smti. Bina Vaidya, Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1230 dt. 22.09.2017
- Change of Sole Proprietorship firm to a Private Limited Company of Ms. Kailash Engineering Company vide office Order No. 1066 dated 24.08.2017
- Corrigendum of office order No. 861 issued on 14.07.2017
- Regarding Revalidation of Ms Surendra Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd Class I contractor in APWD vide order No. 863 dt. 17.07.2017
- Change of Sole Proprietorship firm to a Partnership firm of Ms. Sharma Construction vide office Order No. 853 dated 13.07.2017
- Shri. Binod Chandra Majumdar, Junior Engineer, Civil is allowed retention at CD, Rangat vide office order No. 819 dt. 07.07.2017.
- Shri. Prem Kumar, Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical is allowed retention for one year at Workshop Division vide office order No. 821 dt. 07.07.2017.
- Shri. N. Ashraf Ali, Surveyor is allowed retention at RCD, Wimberlygunj vide office order No. 822 dt. 07.07.2017
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Surveyor under APWD vide office order No. 823 dt. 07.07.2017
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 820 dt. 07.07.2017
- Transfer and posting of 09 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 818 dt. 07.07.2017
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Executive Engineer , Civil vide office order No. 561 dt. 23.05.2017
- Transfer of Shri. R.V.Sekhar, Junior Engineer is cancelled due to Administrative reasons vide office order No. 426 dt. 26.04.2017.
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 425 dt. 26.04.2017
- Transfer and posting of 23 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 423 dt. 26.04.2017
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Draughtsman Gr II, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 422 dt. 26.04.2017
- Corrigendum in partial modification of order No. 396 dt. 21.04.2017
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 398 dt. 21.04.2017
- Transfer and posting of 12 Nos. Junior Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 397 dt. 21.04.2017
- Transfer and posting of 52 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 396 dt. 21.04.2017
- Blacklisted and or removed from the approved list of contractors for a period of 5 years vide office order No. 296 dt. 20.03.2017
- 1st and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 168 dt. 17.02.2017
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 167 dt. 17.02.2017
- 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 166 dt. 17.02.2017
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Assistant Architect vide order No. 165 dt. 17.02.2017
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsman Grade- III, Civil vide order No. 164 dt. 17.02.2017
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 79 dt. 25.01.2017
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 78 dt. 25.01.2017
- Change of Individual Contractor to a partnership firm of Shri. K.O. Joseph Kutty vide office order No. 03 dt. 02.01.2017
- Transfer and posting of 08 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 1449 dt. 05.12.2016
- Blacklisting order of enlistment of Shri. Pran Gopal Das vide office order No. 1354 dt. 08.11.2016
- Non consideration of revalidation of enlistment class IV Civil of Shri. Upen Kundu vide order no. 3472 dtd. 26.10.2016
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 1295 dt. 24.10.2016
- Transfer and posting of 12 Nos. Assistant Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 3273 dt. 03.10.2016
- Transfer and posting of 12 Nos. Assistant Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 3273 dt. 03.10.2016
- Revalidation details of enlistment of Shri. S.Karuppaiah and Sons vide office order No. 1097 dt. 29.08.2016
- Revalidation details of enlistment of Shri. S.K.Biswas vide office order No. 1096 dt. 29.08.2016
- Not qualify the eligibility criteria as per enlistment rule of APWD -2009 for class-II.
- Removal of Name from the approved enlisted list of Contractor in APWD
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Surveyors under APWD vide office order No. 908 dt. 22.07.2016
- Transfer and posting of 02 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 907 dt. 22.07.2016
- Transfer and posting of 06 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 906 dt. 22.07.2016
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Junior Engineer,Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 905 dt.22.07.2016
- Transfer and posting of 14 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No.904 dt. 22.07.2016
- The List of Eligible Candidates for the Post of Architectural Assistant and Assistant (Arch. Department) on Contract Basis Engagement. vide F.No. 2016 dt. 30.06.2016
- Transfer and posting of 09 Nos. Surveyors under APWD vide office order No. 646 dt. 25.05.2016
- Transfer and posting of 08 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 645 dt. 25.05.2016
- Transfer and posting of 25 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 644 dt. 25.05.2016
- Transfer and posting of 14 Nos. Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 643 dt. 25.05.2016
- Transfer and posting of 51 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 642 dt. 25.05.2016
- Change of sole Proprietorship firm to a Private Limited Company of Ms M.R.L. Builder vide Office order No. 535 dt. 02.05.2016
- 1st and 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP to 07 Nos. Surveyors vide office order No. 164 dt. 09.02.2016
- 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to Draughtsma Grade-I, II and III, Civil and Draughtsman Grade-III Elect. and Mech. vide order No. 163 dt. 09.02.2016
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to 25 Nos Junior Engineer Civil and 02 Nos Junior Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical vide office order No. 162 dt. 09.02.2016
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to 2 Nos Assistant Engineer Civil, retired vide office order No. 161 dt. 09.02.2016
- Removal of Name from the approved enlisted list of Contractor in APWD
- Change of sole Proprietorship firm to a Private Limited Company of M/s Group Engineers Corporation
- Change of Sole Proprietorship to a Partnership firm of Smti. V.Alima Bibi vide office Order No. 906 dated 01/12/2015
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to 1 No Executive Engineer Civil retired on VRS, vide office order No. 1334 dt. 26.11.2015
- Promotion of regular, WC staff to the post of Junior Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 738 dt. 29.06.2015
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Draughtsman Gr III, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 726 dt. 26.06.2015
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Draughtsman Gr II, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 725 dt. 26.06.2015
- Transfer and posting of 14 Nos. Junior Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 724 dt. 26.06.2015
- Transfer and posting of 10 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Civil under APWD vide office order No. 723 dt. 26.06.2015
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Assistant Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical under APWD vide office order No. 722 dt. 26.06.2015
- Promotion of Shri. Swapan Dey, Draughtsman Grade II, Civil to the post of Draughtsman Grade I, Civil vide office order No. 721 dt. 26.06.2015
- Promotion of Draughtsman Grade III, Surveyor to the post of Draughtsman Grade II, Civil vide office order No. 720 dt. 26.06.2015
- Promotion of Executive Engineer, Civil to the post of Superintending Engineer, Civil vide office order No. 1972 dt. 24.06.2015
- 2 Nos. Executive Engineer granted 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 685 dt. 23.06.2015
- Change of Individual Contractor to a partnership firm of Shri. Ramzan Ali vide office order No. 678 dt. 19.06.2015
- 05 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III and 06 Nos. Surveyors granted 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 673 dt. 18.06.2015
- 04 Nos. Draughtsman Grade III, JE Adhoc granted 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 672 dt. 18.06.2015
- 17 Nos JEs and 01 No. Assistant, Architect Department granted 1st and 2nd Financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 671 dt. 18.06.2015
- 8 Nos. AE, Civil and 1 No. AE, Electrical and Mechanical granted 3rd financial upgradation under MACP vide office order No. 670 dt. 18.06.2015
- 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to 1 No Executive Engineer Civil retired vide office order No. 199 dt. 25.02.2015
- Circular regarding enlistment of contractor in APWD, office order No. 699 dt. 09.02.2015.
- Change of sole proprietorship firm of MS U.R. Builders vide office order No. 1326 dt. 20.11.2014.
- Change of Individual contractor to a paternership firm of Shri. K.Thankachan vide office order No. 1325 dt. 20.11.2014.
- Transfer and posting of 03 Nos. Assistant Engineer Civil vide office order No. 1328 dt. 20.11.2014
- Transfer and posting of 12 Nos. Junior Engineer Civil vide office order No. 1327 dt. 20.11.2014
- Current duty charges of Executive Engineer Civil of APWD
- Consideration of application for new enlistment and upgradation of enlistment in APWD
- Transfer and Posting of 2 Nos. Superintending Engineers under APWD vide office order No. 3191 dt. 20.10.2014.
- Transfer and Posting of 2 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) under APWD vide Office Order No. 991 dt. 14.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 50 Nos. Junior Engineer(Civil) under APWD vide office order No. 975 dt. 11.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of Executive Engineer(Civil) under APWD vide office order No. 2354 dt. 01.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 21 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Civil) under APWD vide office order No. 952 dt. 07.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 07 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) under APWD vide office order No. 953 dt. 07.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 14 Nos. Junior Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) under APWD vide office order No. 954 dt. 07.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 01 No. Draughtsman Grade-I(Civil) under APWD vide office order No. 957 dt. 07.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 04 Nos. Draughtsman Grade-III(Civil) under APWD vide office order No. 955 dt. 07.08.2014
- Transfer and posting of 14 Nos. Surveyor under APWD vide office order No. 956 dt. 07.08.2014
- 2nd Financial upgradation under MACPS to 3(three) Nos. Junior Engineers(Civil) and 2(two) Nos. Draughtsman Grade-II and III(Elect and Mech) vide office order No. 543 dt. 09.05.2014
- 1st Financial upgradation under ACP to 1(one) No. Junior Engineer(Civil) vide office order No. 515 dt. 30.04.2014
- 2nd and 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP to JE(C), JE(Elect and Mech), Assistant(Architect Department), Draughtsman Gr II(Elect and Mech) and Barkandaz vide Office Order No. 488 dt. 25.04.2014
- 1st and 2nd Financial upgradation under ACP to 03(three) Nos. Junior Engineer( C) and 01(one) No. Lab Assistant vide Office Order No. 480 dt. 25.04.2014
- Partial modification of office order No. 629 dt. 14.05.2012
- Seven(07) Executive Engineers (Civil) promoted on Regular Basis vide Administration Office Order No. 896 dt. 21.03.2014
- Seven(07) Assistant Engineers (Civil) promoted on Regular Basis vide Administration Office Order No. 1053 dt. 02.04.2014
- 01 No.Junior Engineer(Civil) Transfer and posting vide office order No. 249 dated 26.02.2014 in public interest
- Transfer and posting of 06 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Civil) vide office order No. 250 dated 26.02.2014 in public interest
- Sanction of MACP to Assistant Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) vide office order No. 150 dated 05.02.2014
- Sanction of MACP to Assistant Engineer(Civil), Junior Engineer(Civil) and Draughtsman Grade-III(Civil) vide office order No. 151 dated 05.02.2014
- Sanction of 2nd Stage Financial up-gradation under ACP Scheme of 2(Two) Nos. Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Corrigendum issued against office order No. 86 dated 22.01.2014
- Appointment of Peon vide order No. 86 dated 22.01.2014
- Appointment of Chowkidar vide order No. 87 dated 22.01.2014
- Appointment of Safaiwala vide order No. 88 dated 22.01.2014
- Sanction of MACP of 1 No. Executive Engineer(Civil) vide office order No. 63 dated 20.01.2014
- Sanction of MACP of 1 No. Retired Assistant Engineer(Civil) vide office order No. 66 dated 20.01.2014
- 05 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Civil) transfer and posting vide office order No. 1494 dated 20.12.2013 with immediate effect in public interest
- Temporary suspension of payment and Tender Documents in respect of Ms. Sai Construction Company
- Enhancement of tendering limit of various categories of Contractors under APWD
- Constitution of an units under APWD to make responsive, transparent, efficient and progressively improved Quality Assurance Activity vide Office order No. 1035 of 16.08.2013
- 1 No. Junior Engineers(Civil) (Non-Diploma) promoted to the Group B Gazetted post of Assistant Engineer(Civil) on regular basis vide Administration Office Order No. 2603 dated 05.08.2013.
- 6 Nos. Junior Engineers(Civil) promoted to the Group B Gazetted post of Assistant Engineer(Civil) on regular basis vide Administration Office Order No. 2542 dated 30.07.2013.
- Transfer of 2 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Electrical and Mechanical) in Public interest vide office order No. 947 dt. 24.07.2013
- Transfer of 11 Nos. Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Public interest vide office order No. 946 dt. 24.07.2013
- New Enlistment and up -gradation of enlistment in all class and category in APWD is closed with immediate effect due to amendment in APWD enlistment rule 2009 vide office order No. 844 dt. 28.06.2013
- Enlistment of Shri. S.P.Ananda Kannan, R.O Dairy Farm, Port Blair in Class-IV(Civil) is cancelled vide order No. 786 dated 18.06.2013
- Transfer and posting of 2 Nos. Superintending Engineers under APWD vide office order No. 1717 dt. 17.05.2013
- Re-organisation of circles, Divisions in APWD vide office order No 1678 dated 15.05.2013
- 02(two) Nos. Executive Engineers(Civil) assigned current Duty Charges vide Office Order No. 1507 dt. 30.04.2013
- 08(eight) Nos. Executive Engineers(Civil) transferred and posted on public interest vide Office Order No. 1508 dt. 30.04.2013
- 78 Nos Junior Engineers(Civil) transfered on Public interest vide office order No 493 dt. 18.04.2013
- 20 Nos Draughsman Grade-III(Civil) transfered on Public interest vide office order No 492 dt. 18.04.2013
- 4 Nos Draughtsman Grade-III (Electrical and Mechanical) Transfered on Public Interest vide O.O. No 482 dt. 17.04.2013
- 6 Nos Draughtsman Grade-II (Civil) Transfered on Public Interest vide O.O. No 481 dt. 17.04.2013
- 2 Nos Draughtsman Grade-I (Civil) Transfered on Public Interest vide O.O. No 480 dt. 17.04.2013
- 3 Nos Surveyors Transfered on Public interest vide O.O. no 479 dt. 17.04.2013
- 20 Nos Junior Engineers (Electrical and Mechanical) transfered on Public Interest vide O.O. No 478 dt. 17.04.2013
- Granted MACP videO/O No 336 dt 15-03-2013 in respect of AE/J.E(Civil), AE/JE(E&M),
- 1No D/Man Gr-III(E&M), 8Nos D/Man Gr-III(Civil), 2Nos D/Man Gr-II(Civil) & 3Nos Surveyor granted MACP vide o/o No 335 dt. 15-03-2013
- 9 Nos. Assistant Engineers (E&M) transfer and posting with immediate effect in public interest vide O/o No. 156 dt 11.02.2013
- 17 Nos. Assistant Engineers (Civil) transfer and posting with immediate effect in public interest vide O/o No. 155 dt 11.02.2013
- 1 No Architectural Assistant, 2 Nos Assistant (Arch. Dept) granted Financial Upgradation under MACP vide O/O No 120 dt 30.01.2013
- 18 Nos Junior Engineer (Civil) granted MACP vide O/O No 37 dt 08.01.2013
- 4 Nos Assistant Engineer (Civil & E&M) granted MACP 30yrs vide O/O No 1510 dt 17.12.2012
- 18 Nos Assistant Engineer (Civil & E&M) granted MACP 20yrs vide O/O No 1458 dt 06.12.2012
- 1 No Assistant Engineer (Civil) granted MACP to 30 yrs vide O/O No 1351 dt 02.11.2012
- 5 Nos Assistant Engineers granted MACP to 30 yrs vide O/O No 1350 dt 02.11.2012
- 29 Nos Assistant Engineers (Civil & E&M) granted MACP to 20/30 yrs vide O/O No 1327 dt 29.10.2012
- DRM and other type of Labours engaged for personal use by officers/offical vide C/O No 4325 dt 25.10.2012
- 3 Nos Junior Engineers (E&M) promoted to the Group 'B' post of Assistant Engineer (E&M) vide O/O No 3450 dt 04.10.2012
- 2 Nos Assistant Engineers (Civil) of APWD assigned to the Current-Duty-Charges of Executive Engineer (Civil) vide O/O No 3362 dt 26.09.2012
- 10 Nos Junior Engineers (Civil) of APWD assigned to the Current-Duty-Charges of Assistant Engineer (Civil) vide O/O No 3201 dt 11.09.2012
- 7 Nos Executive Engineers (Rtd) granted MACP with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 vide O/O No 1031 dt 10.08.2012
- 5 Nos Executive Engineers granted MACP with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 vide O/O No 1032 dt 10.08.2012
- 1 No Junior Engineers (E&M) of APWD assigned to the Current-Duty-Charges of Assistant Engineer (E&M) vide O/O No 2626 dt 25.07.2012
- Six AEs (Civil) assigned Current Duty Charge of Executive Engineer vide order no. 2463 dt 10.07.2012